We'd like to make sure your event goes smoothly. That includes making sure you have enough food for your guests. Use the calculator below to figure out exactly how much food you‘ll need.

Location ({{estimate.location}})

Where will your event be located?

 We're sorry!  We don't service this area, if you have any further questions please give us a call at (626) 813-8295.

Guests ({{estimate.guests}})

How many guests do you expect?

Given the number of guests at your event, please contact our Cookout Department at (626) 813-8295 to proceed with booking.

Duration ({{estimate.durationHours}} hours : {{estimate.durationMinutes == 0 ? '00' : '30'}} minutes)

How long is your event?


The minimum amount of event time required is 1.5 hours.
For events over 4 hours, please contact our Cookout Department at (626) 813-8295.

Meal Type ()

Select the type of meal you want at your event

French fries and shakes cannot be prepared on the Cookout Trailer. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Burgers (, )

Select the burger(s) you want served:

Choosing Double-Double® or Cheeseburger automatically includes Hamburger


The estimate for your event:

*Applicable sales tax is not included in this price

Price Breakdown:

  • ${{burger.price}} / each
  • Trip Charge
    $500 / each truck
  • Overtime Charge

Minimum Charge: ${{estimate.estimatedMinCost}}*

*Includes $500 trip-charge

You will be responsible for your minimum or 75% of your estimated order (based on our cheeseburger price) whichever is higher, and entitles you to 1.5 hours of serving time. Additional time may incur an overtime charge of $100 per half hour. Applicable sales tax will be charged based on your event location.

Book Your Event

Please contact our Cookout Department at (888) 700-7774 to proceed with booking.

Or call our Cookout Department at (888) 700-7774